Kirby owned two vehicles, on both were bumper stickers, reading “Practice Compassion” written in symbols from various religious traditions. I know Kirby believed as many do, that God is bigger than all our human attempts to understand a reality larger than ourselves.
The Same Conclusion – Practice Compassion
So whatever one calls the divine, be it spirit, force, higher power, the life force, the Universe, it seems to me all terms are simply recognizing an immense reality beyond my limited human comprehension. Yet all those religions, philosophies, traditions should bring us to the same place: COMPASSION for each other. I believe spiritual growth is measured by my life, my actions, not by feelings. A spiritual experience, a sense of connection to all being or an awareness of mystery may be illuminating, inspiring and even feel life changing, but ultimately experiences and feelings should bring one to behaviors beyond myself, to actions that evidence love and a willingness to serve others.
Does your spirituality bring you to practice compassion?
In seeking spiritual growth do your teachers and mentors practice compassion?
Are they living the SEEK SAFELY PROMISE?